Social Networking: Facebook vs. Orkut

Facebook and Orkut are two of the most popular social networking sites, with both offering very similar features and capabilities. Comparing FaceBook vs. Orkut from a market share perspective will show you that both are considerably behind MySpace with Facebook owning just over 11.5% of the market share and Orkut having less than 1%. Facebook has become very popular in North America over the last few months whereas Orkut is extremely popular in India.
I do have access to both an Orkut and Facebook account and find myself using Facebook the majority of the time. I actually prefer Facebook when comparing Facebook vs. Orkut from a usability perspective, here’s why:
- From an overall cosmetic point of view, Facebook is a much more professional looking whereas Orkut looks somewhat unfinished
- Facebook’s Mini Feed feature is useful in seeing a quick snapshot on the latest happenings within your network
- The ease at which you can customize layouts within FaceBook, especially the drag and drop option.
- The ability to supply how you know a person (through school, other friends, work, randomly, etc…). This is especially interesting when you and one your contacts know the same person, but through different ways.
Here’s what I like about Orkut:
- Within Orkut you can view people’s profiles regardless if they are a ‘friend’ or not.
- I like how you can see the number of times your profile has been viewed with Orkut.
- The integration of Google Chat (maybe there is an opportunity for Microsoft to go after Facebook for the same purpose).

Why is Google the best search engine?

Google could be said to be the best search engine for the following reasons:

It relies on a simplicity that many other search engines lack.
It's fast, reliable, easy to use, user friendly.
Fewer, less noticeable ads.
The search algorithm seems to bring the most relevant items to the top.
More relevant ads.

More people use Google than any other search engine in the world, giving Google the information to improve their engine further.

Google Search can be customized, eg: (regular) (pink google) (purple google)

Basically, Google is a crawler-based engine, meaning that it has software programs designed to "crawl" the information on the Net and add it to its sizeable database. Google has a great reputation for relevant and thorough search results, and is a good first place to start when searching.

Google's home page is extremely clean and simple, loads quickly, and delivers arguably the best results of any search engine out there, mostly due to its PageRank technology and massive listings. Google also earns high marks for its maps and searches for images, videos and blog posts; you can even search inside books with Book Search. However, search experts say that no single search engine provides the most relevant results for all queries. Google is also ranked number one because more people use it than any other search engine.

Google provides the best relevant results of the search query at the top. It is also analyzed that the referrals from Google have higher conversion rate then any other search engine.

I can't find my blog on Google: Where is it?

 Many bloggers think that they create a blog at Blogspot and it will  automatically be listed. If only things were that simple.

The first way to get listed in Google is to use their  "Add URL" form located at:

You can also use a  search engine submission program like, which will submit your blog to 40 search engines.

Another good way to help Google find your blog is to get a backlink from a site that Google has already indexed. A backlink is an incoming link from any website or blog pointed to your blog.

If you haven't done so yet, submit a sitemap of your blog "Webmaster Tools" to increase your site's visibility in Google.

It usually takes a new blog about a month before it's fully indexed
by Google. To see if Google has already indexed your blog perform a Google search like this:

If your blog isn't already listed in Google's Blog search engine, you
can ping them directly.
For more information about Google Blog Search Pinging Service be sure to read their FAQ.

9 Optimization Tricks to Make More Money with Google Adsense

Google Adsense i s no doubt one of the most preferred CPC network ad serving platform for publishers. Here are some optimization tricks to opt after creating Google Adsense account to make more money with Google Adsense. There is no doubt that once you will install Adsense ads on your busy website, you will start earning thru that, but small optimizations and customization may increase your earning by remarkable percentage. So here are some tips to optimize Google Adsense ads to earn more money thru that ad network by Google.
google-adsense-make-money1. Use Section Targeting to get relevant ads : Benefit of using Google Adsense is that it serves ads related to the content of the website so that users may also find the ads useful for them. If you are having lot many things on your website which are even not related to the content shown on the page, you should use “Section Targeting” to server ads related to the main content rather than related to some static content from sidebar or footer area. This will increase the CTR (Click Thru Ratio) of your website that means your adsense ads will start getting more clicks i.e. more revenue.
2. Effective Formats of Ads – Even Google Adsense team has said that their more effective and the best performing ad formats are 336 x 280px, 300 x 250px and 160 x 600px ads. I would suggest you to install these formats of ads on your website to get more eCPM i.e. more money out of your installed ads.
3. Find Most Clicked Zone using Heatmap – Do you know where most of the visitors on your site used to click more. You can find the same using Heatmap for webpages and find the spot. Try to install Google Adsense ads near to that area to get more clicks i.e. more CTR which will tend to give your more money out of installed Google Adsense ads.
4. Filter unwanted ads from Adsense – If you find that particular ad is not giving much eCPM, you should filter out that from your Adsense account. Other eCPM rich ad will be served in place of that.
5. Install Ads in between the post content – If you are using WordPress as blogging platform, you can use plugin to insert adsense ads in between the post content. As visitor is reading the content, you may choose to serve them with ads to get clicks on them.
6. Install ads on Forum to earn more from there – As Forum is community driven content type where you need to build a strong community and then you can start monetizing that with Google Adsense. Start a forum and install ads over there to earn more.
7. Customize the color of ads as per theme – It is really important to customize the color of Google Adsense ads from the dashboard of Adsense to make ads similar to the theme color of your website. Ads should look similar to get more clicks on them. Yes, it is like making them bit confusing for visitors, but that is how you can make more money out of your website.
8. Track Adsense income in Analytics – Are you aware of the most profitable article on your website / blog? Start tracking Adsense income in Google Analytics by integrating both of them. Here is a tutorial to integrate Google Adsense with Google Analytics. This will help you in making more money with Adsense by promoting your best performing post. You can also optimize the underperforming posts by looking onto them in Analytics.
9. Placement Targeting – Do you know that advertisers can target your blog’s adsense channel and give you more eCPM if they find your site useful? Placement targeting in Adsense is an option to tell advertisers about a particular channel and let them select your website channel to serve their ads.
There may be more AdSense optimization techniques but above tips are really effective in increasing your Adsense income by remarkable amount. Share your views about the above list and let us know if any other technique is working for you.

How to get Adsense Approval from Website/Blog !!

To have a Google AdSense account approved by the dream of every blogger or webmaster. Since AdSense is a key role in earning the website. This article will tell you how I got my Google AdSense account approved within 2 weeks. There are a lot of tips and tricks on the Internet that says how to get Adsense accepted on 1 day and up to 1 hour! But it is never possible. You can at least take a week to get approved for AdSense. More importantly, I know that some of my friends that AdSense has been denied and they went to the vendor who sells an AdSense account approved. AdSense absolutely prohibits the sale of accounts. So if AdSense was denied, not just stop there to buy accounts. Try again after the introduction of these little tips:

1) Create a blog:
This is the most common. Create your own blog. You can get a free blogspot / blog, or go self-hosted WordPress blog, if you are serious about blogging. My recommendation is to start is

2) Set a domain name:
Now, if you're using, not only to keep blogspot subdomain. Create a good domain name. You can get a free domain CO.CC / Tk or go .Com domain for a minimum of $ 10 per year. I used this. Com domain when sending AdSense for approval.

3) Design:
If you are using a blog and do not stick to the default design. To move to a model professional blogger. For an extensive collection of

4) Subject:
Put an item in your mind when you are writing updates. An examiner should know what this blog is about.

5) Quality posts:
Before submitting the application for the AdSense program, make sure you have some good blog posts on the blog. You must be at least 10 good blog posts on his blog. You can get lots of articles from free article directories on the Internet regarding the topic. Do not just copy and paste the original. Make some changes, make it attractive and publish to your blog.

6) Configuration FeedBurner:
You must have a FeedBurner account to your blog. It is very easy to create a FeedBurner free. Place a widget on your blog that FeedBurner redirects your blog feed.

7) The AdSense:
You can sign up for AdSense through your Gmail account here, and also from Yahoo, and hotmail and rocketmail etc. Now when you sign up for an AdSense account does not give false information. Send real details, the recipient's name, address, etc.

8) Refresh Rate:
After the request for AdSense, do not stop to date. Keep up to date at least one article a day. It is not difficult. If you do not have time, you can write lots of articles and the calendar for the future. Example: If you are free on weekends, 3 hours of time, pick up some items 7 and the time each for each day. So you have already completed the work week!

That's it! Now you can take up to a month to get it approved. Wait for email Congratulations AdSense!


The second most important thing. Once you get approved for Adsense, do not click on their ads never, never treat any exchange, or click on the AdSense click Deployment Services. That will take you to the AdSense prohibited. And 'better safe than sorry. The best and just to make money with AdSense is real traffic to your website.

20 Google Adsense secrets !!

Money Trands
We find great Google Adsense Secrets, Which we want to share with our user.
  1. 3 steps to transform your business with AdSense an assembly line of fast action cranks profitable websites one after another on autopilot
  2. The stupidly simple "old school" tactic that gave a boost my CTR of 11%. CAUTION: This is a very aggressive technique that more conservative AdSense publishers do not want to implement.
  3. Why waste money every time someone clicks on your AdSense ad
  4. The real secret to gain advantage in the SEO game (and no, there is a link).
  5. AdSense "enhancement" that you should avoid like the plague. (Chances are you using this feature, and you do not even know.)
  6. How to make money with "navigation links."
  7. How the money market niches, even if you suck "niche detective work." that is, finding niches that will make a profit.
  8. The first (and better) who will advise me that does not make enough money with AdSense (because they are usually guilty of number 1 most common AdSense mistake. Are you?)
  9. Updated tactics to attract clicks and profits like crazy right this second. (Forget the so-called "Hot Trends" that worked, but have lost their effectiveness.)
  10. How to get huge keyword lists generated for you dirt cheap (just like I do, I pay $ 8 per thousand words!)
  11. Keyword little known tactics that will bring you more traffic than your buddies are.
  12. A research genius who is too precious to not even mention, but I can (emphasis on the large can) be able to enter
  13. My very aggressive content technique that allows me to regularly hit Click-through rates up to 70% to 80%!
  14. 2 tricks to get listed in search engines without "disturbing" your AdSense pages with distracting content.
  15. The truth about "cloaking" and Google. (If you have been cheated in the past, you've been losing tons of profit).
  16. Making popular software programs like Directory Generator, Traffic Equalizer, and create pages that generate clicks Metaweb pushing AdSense. Only a small but clever set you need to do.
  17. 6 words that ethically persuade visitors to click on your AdSense ads (without immediately, which is against Google's policy).
  18. A popular HTML tag ( Meta Tags) (you probably use all the time) that will "highlight" your Google AdSense ads and make your click rates soar
  19. Titles intelligent virtually force visitors to click without saying so (very profitable, very aggressive).
  20. Robot tag for follow the content to user related topic.
And many More Secrets......

How to create Google adsense account ?

In order to sign up for AdSense, you'll need to use a Google Account as your AdSense login. You can figure out if you already have a Google account by visiting How do I know if I have a Google Account?.
If you don't already have a Google Account, it's easy to create one - just follow these steps:
  1. In the 'Email' field, provide any email address you currently use. It does not have to be a Gmail address. However, we suggest you use an email-password combination that others don't already know.
  2. Choose and enter a password that's at least 6 characters long.
  3. Enter the security word.
  4. click 'Continue' to accept the Terms of Service and complete your application with the login you've provided.

Future Improvements to AdSense which will Increase Revenue to You

Google is constantly improving the AdSense program. Many of these improvements will mean additional revenue in your pocket. Google has recently improved the speed with which MediaBot accesses new web pages. This means that you start earning revenue more quickly. Google is constantly working to improve the relevancy of AdSense ads. Ads which are more relevant are more likely to be clicked on by web site visitors.

Increase Cost-Per-Click (CPC)

Not all Google AdSense ads are created equal. The advertisers for Google AdWords bid for their relevant keyword combinations, and some are much more costly than others, which is where you make your higher revenue on cost-per-click. When you place AdSense on any of your pages, the Google AdSense robot, Mediabot, will then automatically scan your web pages in order to determine the appropriate ads to be displayed on your page. There are strategies and ways to create web pages to specifically target and attract specific keywords from the AdSense program. You can create a Google Adwords account in the Google AdWords advertiser interface to more accurately determine which keywords have a higher Cost-Per-Click. You'll be able to get a feel for the average cost for each keyword. Using this new information, you may decide you wan to create a new web page or even a completely new web site.

Ad placement

One of the best locations on a web page to place an ad is where the visitor is most likely to be looking for more information.
When you first open up one of your web pages, where does your attention immediately focus? That is where you want to place an ad.
Ads that seem to do the best seem to be ads which are inline with the other content that is on your page. Even though this is the best way to place ads on your page, you may find it difficult to do this throughout your entire web site. The best way to position ads across an entire web site is usually by using Shared HTML (shtml) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Using these aids in the positioning of ads appearing in relatively the same positions throughout a range of web pages inside your web site.

Increase Click-Through-Ratio (CTR)

Even a small increase in your Click-Through-Ratio can potentially result in a large increase in revenue. If you raise your CTR of 1.0 to a CTR of 1.1, that should result in a revenue increase of 10%. There are quite a few on-page factors that can affect your Click-Through-Ratio. Some of these factors include:
  • Ad placement- Where are your ads placed on your site? WIll visitors be more likely to notice them, or ignore them?
  • Ad color- Do your Ads blend in with your site, or do they stick out like a sore thumb?
  • Ad unit style- Does the style of your Ad units correspond with the style of your web site?
  • Total number of links- Do you have too many links, or too few?

Increase Impressions

One of the more obvious ways to increase the money you make with adsense is to increase the amount of traffic to your web site, which in turn will increase the number of impressions you receive on your page or site.
Increasing traffic to your web site goes beyond what we'll talk about here, but we'll give you some other great methods of increasing your number of impressions.

Google AdSense requires JavaScript, and if your viewers do not have JavaScript enabled, they will not be able to your ads. For the visitors you are already attracting to your site, a way of motivating them to click on your AdSense ads is to encourage them to enable JavaScript if they haven't already. One strategy to motivate users to enable JavaScript is to add content to your page that is only available through JavaScript. Add browser JavaScript detection to your HTML to alert visitors that if they do not have JavaScript enabled, they are only able to view a portion of the content that is available on your web page/web site

Google Adsense Tips, Tricks, and Secrets

Post image for Google Adsense Tips, Tricks, and Secrets
By Michael Gray on July 2005

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I’ve been reading a few forums and blogs about Google Adsense tips lately, and thought it would be helpful to consolidate as many as possible in one place without the comments. I’ve also thrown in a few tips of my own. We start out with some of the basic general stuff and move to the more specific topics later on.

Build an Empire?

When you’re deciding to become a website publisher you will fall into one of two broad categories:
  • Publish 100 websites that each earn $1 a day profit
  • Publish 1 website that earns $100 a day profit
The reality of it is, most people end up somewhere in between. Having 100 websites leaves you with maintenance, management and content issues. Having one website leaves you open to all sort of fluctuations (search engines algorithm’s, market trends, etc). You can adapt your plan on the way, but you’ll have an easier time if you start out going in the direction of where you want to end up.

General or Niche

You can build your website around general topics or niche ones. Generally speaking niche websites work better with adsense. First off the ad targeting is much better. Secondly as you have a narrow focus your writing naturally becomes more expert in nature. Hopefully this makes you more authority in your field.
If this is your first try at building an adsense website, make it about something you enjoy. It will make the process much easier and less painful to accomplish. You should however make sure that your topic has enough of an ad inventory and the payout is at a level you are comfortable with. You may love medieval folk dancing, but the pool of advertisers for that subject is very small (in fact it’s currently zero).
Once you’ve gotten the hang of how Adsense works on a website, you are going to want to dabble in some high paying keywords, you may even be tempted to buy a high paying keyword list. This does come with some dangers. First off the level of fraud is much higher on the big money terms. Secondly there is a distortion of the supply and demand relationship for these terms. Everyone wants ads on their website that make $35 or more a click, however the number of advertisers who are willing to pay that much is pretty limited. Additionally the competition for that traffic is going to be stiff. So, don’t try to run with the big dogs if you can’t keep up. If you have to ask if you’re a big dog, then chances are, you’re not. I have used a high dollar keywords report from and was pleased with my results (see cash keywords free offer recap).

New Sites, Files and Maintenance

When you’re building a new site don’t put adsense on it until it’s finished. In fact I’d go even farther and say don’t put adsense on it until you have built inbound links and started getting traffic. If you put up a website with “lorem ipsum” dummy or placeholder text, your adsense ads will almost certainly be off topic. This is often true for new files on existing websites, especially if the topic is new or different. It may take days or weeks for google’s media bot to come back to your page and get the ads properly targeted. TIP: If you start getting lots of traffic from a variety of IP’s you will speed this process up dramatically.
I like to build my sites using include files. I put the header, footer and navigation in common files. It makes it much easier to maintain and manage. I also like to put my adsense code in include files. If I want/need to change my adsense code, it’s only one file I have to work with. TIP: I also use programming to turn the adsense on or off. I can change one global variable to true or false and my adsense ads will appear or disappear.

Managing URL’s and channels

Adsense channels is one area where it’s really easy to go overboard with stats. You can set up URL channels to compare how one website is doing to another. You can also set up sub channels for each URL. If you wanted to you do something channels like this:
  • – 728 banner
  • – 336 block
  • – text link
  • – 728 banner
  • – image banner
  • – 336 block
  • – 300 block
While this is great for testing and knowing who clicks where and why, it makes your reporting a little wonky. Your total number will always be correct but when you look at your reports with a channel break down things will get displayed multiple times and not add up to correct total. Makes things pretty confusing, so decide if you really need/want that level of reporting detail. TIP: At the very least you want to know what URL is generating the income so be sure to enter distinct URL channels.

Site Design and Integration

Once you know you are going to put adsense on your website you’re going to have to consider where to put it. If this is new site it’s easier, if it’s an existing site it’s more difficult. While there are some people who will be able to do it, in most cases I’d say if you just slap the adsense code in, you’ll end up with a frankensite monster (props to Tedster of WMW for the buzzword). While every website is different, Google has published some heat maps showing the optimal locations. No surprise that the best spots are middle of the page and left hand side. Now I’ve done really well by placing it on the right, but you should know why you’re doing it that way before hand, and be prepared to change it if it doesn’t work out.
Google has also has published a list of the highest performing ad sizes:
  • 336×280 large rectangle
  • 300×250 inline rectangle
  • 160×600 wide skyscraper
From the sites that I run, I do really well with the 336 rectangle and 160 skyscraper. My next best performing ad size is the 728 leaderboard, I don’t really use the 300 inline rectangle too often. So really it depends on how well you integrate these into your site. Placement can have a dramatic effect on performance. TIP: When working on a new site or new layout you may want to give each location it’s own channel for a little while until you understand the users behavior.
Another ‘trick’ that can increase your CTR is by blending your adsense into your body copy. For example if your body copy is black, remove the adsense border and make the title, text, and URL black.TIP: Try changing all of your page hyperlinks to a high contrast color (like dark red or a bold blue) then change the adsense title to the same color.
The one area where I’ve found blended ads don’t perform as well is forums, especially ones with a high volume of repeat members. Regular visitors develop banner blindness pretty quickly. One ‘trick’ to keep the ads from being ignored is to randomize the color and even the placement. As with any of the decisions about location, placement and color it’s a trade off. How much do you emphasize the ads without annoying your visitors. Remember it’s better to have a 1% CTR with 500 regular visitors as opposed to a 5% CTR with 50 visitors. TIP: For forums try placing the adsense ads directly above or below the the first forum thread.

Using Images

One of the latest ‘secrets’ to make the rounds is using images placed directly above or below an adsense leaderboard. This has been used for a while but came out in a digital point forum thread where a member talked about quadrupling their CTR. Basically you set up the adsense code in a table with four images that line up directly with the ads. Whether or not this is deceptive is fuzzy and very subjective. Obviously four blinking arrows would be ‘enticing people to click’ and be against the adsense TOS. However placing pictures of 4 laptops over laptops ads isn’t, so use your best judgment here and look at it from the advertiser or Google’s perspective. If you have a question as to your implementation being ‘over the line’ write to adsense and ask them to take a look.
As far as using the images, I’ve done it and can tell you it definitely works. You get the best results when the images ‘complete the story the ads are telling’. For example if you have ads about apple pies, use pictures of freshly baked apple pies, instead of granny smith, Macintosh, pink lady, and braeburn apples. TIP: Don’t limit yourself to using images only on that size ad unit, it works just as well with the other sizes, like the 336 rectangle.
I got a little criticizm for this and rightly so, as I wasn’t specific as I could have been. Do not use very identifiable brand name or products for your images. Use generic non-specific stock images whenever possible and appropriate.

Multiple Ad Units

Another way to increase ad revenue is to use multiple ad units. According to Google’s TOS you are allowed to post up to three ad units per page. Similar to standard search results the highest paying ad units will be served first and the lowest being served last. If there is enough of an ad inventory, place all three ad units. However you should pay attention to the payouts. Current assumption is you get 60% of the revenue (on a $0.05 click you get $0.03). So if a click from the third ad unit is only paying between 3 to 5 cents you may want to omit it from your page. This is one are where giving your ad units channels does have value. If one ad unit is getting a higher percentage of click throughs you’ll want to make sure the highest paying ads are being served there. TIP:Use CSS positioning to get your highest paying ads serving in the location with the highest CTR.

Adsense in RSS

With the growth of blogs and RSS feeds you’re starting to see adsense included in the feeds now. IMHO this doesn’t work, and here’s why:
  • You only get to place one ad unit.
  • You have no control over finding the ‘sweet spot’ for the ad unit.
  • The ads are usually poorly targeted (this is getting better).
  • People develop ‘banner blindness’.
I know people like being able to read full postings in their feed reader, and there are at least a dozen other reasons for full posts from pleasing your users to mobile offline computing, all of which are completely valid. However if your website depends on generating adsense revenue to survive, then bring them to the site and show them the ads there.

Affiliate Sites

Placing Adsense on affiliate sites is tricky. Are you giving up a $10, $20, or $30 sale for a $1 click? This is something you have to test on your own to figure out. If you aren’t converting now it’s definitely worth a try. I like to use adsense on my article pages. For example let’s say you had an affiliate website where you sold shoes. You’re going to need some related articles to ‘flesh out’ the site. Things like ‘getting a shoe shine’ or ‘finding a shoe repair shop’ these are excellent spots for adsense. While you won’t get rich, they will usually provide a small steady income and cover things like hosting costs.TIP: If you find you have pages getting more than 50 clicks per month add more pages about this topic, and link the pages together. Mine you logs for the search terms used.

PPC Arbitrage

This is a dicey subject so I’m going to steer clear of precise examples. Basically you bid on low volume uber niche terms at a very low cost. You set up landing page that contains high payout ads for the related general topic. You are looking for terms with a large gap between the price you are bidding on adwords and the price you are getting on Adsense. If you pay $0.10 a click and get $1.00 a click you make $0.90 each click. To get your adsense ad approved you will need to ‘add some value’ along the way. You can make a killing or get taken to the cleaners with this one, so make sure you know what you are doing before you try it.
Have any other adsense tips, tricks or secrets? Drop me an email and let me know, I’ll give you credit.
728 leaderboard works very well if it is just above the end of the
“above the fold” area on what would be considered your viewers average
resolution/browser window size if there are few other enticing links
above the fold. Makes for an interesting layout but if you’re building
a site for AdSense it may be worth it. We consistently receive very
high CTRs from doing this.
Try to build sites that allow you to quickly try any and all of
those locations outlined in the heatmap guide or at least allow you a
wide degree of freedom to easily change ad/content locations.

Optimize your Web Site With Google AdSense: Learn AdSense Secrets, Tricks, and Tips

Adsense has become one of the most popular additions to web sites all over the internet. The question is, how do you use it to make the most money possible out of your already existing web site? We've collected some AdSense tricks and organized them for you so begin making money with AdSense on your web site.
First of all, if you are expecting to put Adsense on a single web site and make a fortune, I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but it's just not going to happen. The key to AdSense, is that you need to have multiple web sites that all generate traffic, that all have AdSense placed on them.
By having multiple web sites with AdSense on them, you can make a few dollars a day on each web site, rather than only the measly few dollars from a single web site. But by having numerous sites, you can run into problems. Maintaining 100 sites can be hard work if you don't have everything organized properly, and adding content to your web sites is an important part of maintaining those positions that you worked hard for.
Top Ten Adsense Tricks
Here is a breakdown of the Top Ten Adsense Tricks I have found to boost your commissions:
  1. When adding Adsense ads to your web site/web page, it's important that you make the ads blend in as a part of your web page. They shouldn't look like ads. People are negative and often oblivious to advertising. They search the internet looking for content and information, not ads. Especially Banners - they have a less of 0.5% response. Their days are over. Imagine if you have an Adsense ad looking like the typical Banner with different colors. It will not be profitable.
  2. Text ads are better than image ads. Like before, people are more responsive to text than images. In a way it is considered as a part of the online document and is more clickable.
  3. Don't Use Border ads. One of the best tricks is to erase the borders of Adsense ads and make them, again, having the same color with your web site's background. You can use the color palettes to choose the right colors in Adsense set-up.
  4. Don't use any other advertisements. The first reason is to be legitimate according to Google's Rules and the second more practical reason is that you do not want to distract your visitor's attention and go somewhere else without clicking your Adsense ads.
  5. Placement of your Ads. Even if you have the best Ad, people will not respond if they don't see it instantly. The best place to see the ad is the top of your web page and the next is aside your document's text. Visitors will click it more frequently since it will look like your text.
  6. Legitimate ways of accumulating traffic. Some people use Google Adwords and other Pay-per-click search engines. The problem here is to search very carefully for the right niche and keywords in order to make your campaigns profitable. Other ways are link popularity techniques like link exchange directories, software or even mass blog submission techniques. Don't use link farms and classifieds for that, because the search engine's algorithms are extremely clever and they will ban your listings.
  7. Do not rely on one web site. Yes, you can make money with one web site but try to make as more as possible.
  8. Relevant content is the key to any successful web site. Articles are one of the best tactics to create huge web sites that will be crawled by search engine's robots. Don't forget search engines exist to provide relevant content at first.
  9. Use site maps. Google's site maps visit your site and crawl it much sooner that any other submission process. More information is here:
  10. Use only Relevant ads. It's one of the most important factors for Adsense success. If the user is unable to find a relevant ad in your page, they won't click the ad. Would you? So it's critical to create relevant resources for your web page.

Abuses of Adsense ?

Some webmasters create websites tailored to lure searchers from Google and other engines onto their AdSense website to make money from clicks. These "zombie" websites often contain nothing but a large amount of interconnected, automated content (e.g., a directory with content from the Open Directory Project, or scraper websites relying on RSS feeds for content). Possibly the most popular form of such "AdSense farms" are splogs (spam blogs), which are centered around known high-paying keywords. Many of these websites use content from other websites, such as Wikipedia, to attract visitors. These and related approaches are considered to be search engine spam and can be reported to Google.[citation needed]
A Made for AdSense (MFA) website or webpage has little or no content, but is filled with advertisements so that users have no choice but to click on advertisements. Such pages were tolerated in the past, but due to complaints, Google now disables such accounts.
There have also been reports of Trojan horses engineered to produce counterfeit Google advertisements that are formatted looking like legitimate ones. The Trojan uploads itself onto an unsuspecting user's computer through a webpage and then replaces the original advertisements with its own set of malicious advertisements.
Users have reported that they also pay a range from $0.64 to $0.88 per click.

How AdSense works ?

  • The webmaster inserts the AdSense JavaScript code into a webpage.
  • Each time this page is visited, the JavaScript code uses inlined JSON to display content fetched from Google's servers.
  • For contextual advertisements, Google's servers use a cache of the page to determine a set of high-value keywords. If keywords have been cached already, advertisements are served for those keywords based on the AdWords bidding system. (More details are described in the AdSense patent.)
  • For site-targeted advertisements, the advertiser chooses the page(s) on which to display advertisements, and pays based on cost per mille (CPM), or the price advertisers choose to pay for every thousand advertisements displayed.
  • For referrals, Google adds money to the advertiser's account when visitors either download the referred software or subscribe to the referred service. The referral program was retired in August 2008.
  • Search advertisements are added to the list of results after the visitor performs a search.
  • Because the JavaScript is sent to the Web browser when the page is requested, it is possible for other website owners to copy the JavaScript code into their own webpages. To protect against this type of fraud, AdSense customers can specify the pages on which advertisements should be shown. AdSense then ignores clicks from pages other than those specified.

Types of Adsense.

AdSense for Feeds

In May 2005, Google announced a limited-participation beta version of AdSense for Feeds, a version of AdSense that runs on RSS and Atom feeds that have more than 100 active subscribers. According to the Official Google Blog, "advertisers have their ads placed in the most appropriate feed articles; publishers are paid for their original content; readers see relevant advertising—and in the long run, more quality feeds to choose from."
AdSense for Feeds works by inserting images into a feed. When the image is displayed by a RSS reader or Web browser, Google writes the advertising content into the image that it returns. The advertisement content is chosen based on the content of the feed surrounding the image. When the user clicks the image, he or she is redirected to the advertiser's website in the same way as regular AdSense advertisements.
AdSense for Feeds remained in its beta state until August 15, 2008, when it became available to all AdSense users.

AdSense for search

A companion to the regular AdSense program, AdSense for search, allows website owners to place Google search boxes on their websites. When a user searches the Internet or the website with the search box, Google shares 51% of the advertising revenue it makes from those searches with the website owner. However the publisher is paid only if the advertisements on the page are clicked; AdSense does not pay publishers for mere searches.

AdSense for mobile content

AdSense for mobile content allows publishers to generate earnings from their mobile websites using targeted Google advertisements. Just like AdSense for content, Google matches advertisements to the content of a website — in this case, a mobile website. Instead of traditional JavaScript code, technologies such as PHP, ASP and others are used.

AdSense for domains

Adsense for domains allows advertisements to be placed on domain names that have not been developed. This offers domain name owners a way to monetize domain names that are otherwise dormant. Adsense for domains is currently being offered to some users, with plans to make it available to all in stages.
On December 12, 2008, TechCrunch reported that AdSense for Domains is available for all US publishers.

AdSense for video

AdSense for video allows publishers with video content to generate revenue using ad placements from Google's extensive Advertising network including popular Youtube videos.

HIstory of Adsense !

Oingo, Inc., a privately held company located in Los Angeles, was started in 1998 by Gilad Elbaz and Adam Weissman. Oingo developed a proprietary search algorithm that was based on word meanings and built upon an underlying lexicon called WordNet, which was developed over the previous 15 years by researchers at Princeton University, led by George Miller.[5]
Oingo changed its name to Applied Semantics in 2001, which was later acquired by Google in April 2003 for US$102 million.
In 2009, Google AdSense announced that it would now be offering new features, including the ability to "enable multiple networks to display ads".

Adsense Overview

Google uses its Internet search technology to serve advertisements based on website content, the user's geographical location, and other factors. Those wanting to advertise with Google's targeted advertisement system may enroll through AdWords. AdSense has become a popular method of placing advertising on a website because the advertisements are less intrusive than most banners, and the content of the advertisements is often relevant to the website.
Many websites use AdSense to monetize their content; it is the most popular advertising network. AdSense has been particularly important for delivering advertising revenue to small websites that do not have the resources for developing advertising sales programs and sales people. To fill a website with advertisements that are relevant to the topics discussed, webmasters implement a brief script on the websites' pages. Websites that are content-rich have been very successful with this advertising program, as noted in a number of publisher case studies on the AdSense website.
Some webmasters invest significant effort into maximizing their own AdSense income. They do this in three ways:[citation needed]
  1. They use a wide range of traffic-generating techniques, including but not limited to online advertising.
  2. They build valuable content on their websites that attracts AdSense advertisements, which pay out the most when they are clicked.
  3. They use text content on their websites that encourages visitors to click on advertisements. Note that Google prohibits webmasters from using phrases like "Click on my AdSense ads" to increase click rates. The phrases accepted are "Sponsored Links" and "Advertisements".
The source of all AdSense income is the AdWords program, which in turn has a complex pricing model based on a Vickrey second price auction. AdSense commands an advertiser to submit a sealed bid (i.e., a bid not observable by competitors). Additionally, for any given click received, advertisers only pay one bid increment above the second-highest bid. Google currently shares 68% of revenues generated by AdSense with content network partners.

What is Adsense ?

Google AdSense is an ad serving application run by Google Inc. Website owners can enroll in this program to enable text, image, and video advertisements on their websites. These advertisements are administered by Google and generate revenue on either a per-click or per-impression basis. Google beta tested a cost-per-action service, but discontinued it in October 2008 in favor of a DoubleClick offering (also owned by Google). In Q1 2011, Google earned US$2.34 billion ($9.36 billion annualized), or 28% of total revenue, through AdSense.


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